1S - Caterpillars Class
Welcome to Year 1S Caterpillars class.
Mr Skinner (Teacher)
Mrs Brewin (T.A.)
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.
Children should come to school in their PE kits with no jewellery on please.
- White t shirt
- black joggers or shorts
- trainers
- blue school jumper/cardigan
Homework will be given on a Friday each week. The children will complete work relating to their current learning. This will be due in on a Wednesday. The children should complete their homework as independently as possible. Please encourage your child to present their work neatly using a pencil. Please let us know if you have an questions or concerns.
The children will also bring home 2 reading books every Friday. Please write in the reading diary when you have heard them read. If they read 4 times in the week, the children go in to a prize draw for a chance to win an exciting prize.
Please refer to our Curriculum page on the website to find out what your child is learning each term.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance is very important for your child's education so please ensure your child is in school every day, unless they are ill. Please call the office in the morning to report absence and illness. School starts at 9am and finishes at 3.15pm. Please make sure you drop your child at the classroom door. If you are late to drop off, then you will need to go to the office to drop your child so they can be registered.
School dinners
Please order your child's dinner on Schoolgrid.co.uk