This document is our Policy statement for Covid 19
All our policies (including Child Protection Policy) are available from our school office as a paper copy if you would like them.
Safeguarding Policies and General Policies
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- Accessibility Plan.pdf
- Attendance Policy.pdf
- Admissions_Policy_to F1 Merrydale.pdf
- asthma-policy.pdf
- Assessment Policy.pdf
- Governor_allowance_policy.pdf
- Managing aggressive behaviour from parents and visitors .pdf
- Management_of_Allegations_Policy_for_Schools_.pdf
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Blended Learning Policy.pdf
- Merrydale Bereavement Policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy Gujarati Version.pdf
- Merrydale Infants School children missing in education.pdf
- parents-code-of-conduct-behaviour 2022.pdf
- Curriculum Policy 2023-2025.pdf
- Policy_for_managing_serial_and_unreasonable_complaints.pdf
- Merrydale complaints_procedure.pdf
- Collective Worship Policy.pdf
- Children Missing in Education Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remission Policy.pdf
- Single Equality Policy.pdf
- Drugs Education Policy.pdf
- Disabled Access Statement
- E-Safety Policy 2022- 2023.pdf
- Early Career Teacher Policy.pdf
- Protecting Children from Extremism Statement
- Exclusion Policy.pdf
- EYFS Policy.pdf
- First Aid Policy.pdf
- Merrydale Infant School Food Policy 2022.pdf
- Halal Statement
- handwriting policy.pdf
- Homework Policy.pdf
- Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf
- Children with health needs who cannot attend policy.pdf
- health-and-safety-policy.pdf
- ICT Code of Conduct 2022 to 2023.pdf
- Intimate Care Policy.pdf
- Inclusion Policy.pdf
- Later parent letter for 29th Aug 2019 going out on 8th July 2019 to all Yr1 and below parents.pdf
- Jewellery policy 2023.pdf
- KCSIE_2022_revised.pdf
- Low-level Concern Policy.pdf
- LAC policy.pdf
- School Lunchtime Supervision Policy.pdf
- Merrydale Infants Administration of Medicines and Healthcare needs policy.pdf
- Off-site_Visits_policy_of_practice.pdf
- Physical_Intervention_Policy.pdf
- School Playground Supervision Policy.pdf
- Recovery Curriculum June 2020.pdf
- Social Moral Spiritual Cultural Development at Merrydale Infant School Statement
- Safer recruitment and selection policy.pdf
- SAFEGUARDING Child Friendly Policy MERRYDALE.pdf
- Stress_management_policy.pdf
- Safeguarding Policy.pdf
- Searching and Confiscation policy.pdf
- Standards for Financial Administration Policy.pdf
- School Playground Supervision Policy.pdf
- Sexual Violence and Harrasement policy 2022 to 2023.pdf
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy.pdf
- Exclusion Policy.pdf
- safeguarding-and-child-protection-policy-2023-2024.pdf
- Supporting_pupils_with_medical_conditions.pdf
- Teaching and Promoting British Values at Merrydale Infant School.pdf
- Uniform Policy.pdf
- whistleblowing-policy.pdf
- Visitors policy inc terrorism advice about visiting speakers.pdf
Please note that all policies can be requested from the school office
Policies relating to UK GDPR from 23rd September 2021
- AV Policy.pdf
- Backup policy.pdf
- cash handling policy.pdf
- CCTV Policy.pdf
- Disaster Recovery Plan.pdf
- Data Breach Policy.pdf
- Data Retention Policy.pdf
- New Data Protection Policy Merrydale Infants.pdf
- Electronic Info and Communications Policy.pdf
- environmental-data-protection.pdf
- Freedom Of Information Policy.pdf
- Information Security Policy.pdf
- Governor_allowance_policy.pdf
- Major System Changes Policy.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Job Applicants.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents.pdf
- school-workforce-privacy-notice-gdpr.pdf
- Social Media Policy.pdf
- Subject Access Request Policy.pdf
- User Access Control Policy.pdf
- whistleblowing-policy.pdf