
Hello Starlight Class!
Please find below the literacy and maths tasks for the next few days. As from next week, there will be daily phonics, maths and storytime videos uploaded for you to watch and learn from. Please click on the links and documents below to access the materials.
Literacy Tasks for Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, Friday 8th January 2021
Maths Activities for Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, Friday 8th January 2021
Welcome to Starlight Class!
Welcome to Foundation 2. We hope you all had a very enjoyable summer. We are all very excited for the beginning of a new academic year and we are sure that your child’s time with us will be a very happy one.
The teacher is Ms Skelton
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Our aim is to make your child’s learning experience exciting and enjoyable through delivering a creative and stimulating curriculum which is based on seven areas of learning and development.
These are
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development – (Making relationships, Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour)
- Communication and Language – (Listening and attention, Understanding, Speaking)
- Physical Development – (Moving and handling, Health and self-care)
- Literacy – (Reading, Writing)
- Mathematics – (Number, Shape, Space and measure)
- Understanding the World – (People and communities, The world, Technology)
- Expressive Arts and Design – (Exploring and using media and materials, Being imaginative)
Our main focus this half term is to have all the children happy and settled in their new classrooms and enjoying eating their lunches at school. After assessments have taken place, children will be having daily phonics and maths sessions. Two reading books will be given to your child each week; one will be a phonics based book and the other a PM (reading age appropriate) book.
A polite reminder that there will be information regarding literacy and maths placed on this website. It is very important that you look at this information. Your child will be receiving a literacy and maths goodie bag.
This half term the topic focus will be ‘Me and My Family’. As part of this, we may request photos of your child’s family and friends, places you have visited, festivals and celebrations and any holidays you may have been on.
Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat and a pair of wellies (both labelled with your child’s name). These can be left on your child’s peg. We will be starting PE week beginning 14th September so it is essential that your child comes to school on their designated PE day. Starlight Class will have PE on Tuesdays. Please remember the School follows a no-jewellery policy during PE sessions. Staff are not allowed to remove children’s jewellery so this needs to be removed before they come to school.