Merrydale Infant School

Merrydale Infant School

One school, many strengths

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Autumn 1 - The Woods



We are learning about 'The Woods' this term and discovering which animals live in this habitat. We are learning the names of some common woodland animals such as squirrels, foxes and hedgehogs. We are also looking forward to our trip to an Arboretum to gain a woodland experience. Alongside this learning, we are focusing on our key text - 'We're going on a Bear Hunt.'  The children are enjoying taking part in retelling this story using our class story map. 


This term we are learning about our families, and talking about the important people in our lives. We will look at baby photos of the children and talk about how they have changed since they were a baby, and what they can do now.


Soon we will be looking for the signs of autumn and discussing leaves changing colour and falling from the trees.

How exciting!


Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt


Welcome to Foundation 2!


We are all very excited for the beginning of a new academic year and we are sure that your child’s time with us will be a very happy one.


Our main focus this half term is to have all the children happy and settled in their new classrooms and routines, and enjoying eating their lunches at school. Children will get to know their new teachers and friends, and exploring their environment. After assessments have taken place, children will be having daily phonics and maths sessions.


A reading book will be given to your child each week. Please watch the video clip below which gives you more information and explains how to record a reading session with your child at home.


Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat and a pair of wellies (both labelled with your child’s name). These can be left on your child’s peg. 


We have now started PE so it is essential that your child comes to school on their designated PE day in their PE kit. Please remember the School follows a no-jewellery policy during PE sessions. Staff are not allowed to remove children’s jewellery so this needs to be removed before they come to school.


Thank you,

Mrs K Patel

Reading with your child

Still image for this video

School Information

Contact Us

  • Merrydale Infant School
  • Claydon Road,
  • Leicester,
  • LE5 0PL