Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday!
Make sure you come to school dressed in your PE kit on this day every week.
Please check classroom posters for what PE has to be.
PE kit
- Plain black joggers, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- A plain white t-shirt or polo shirt.
- Blue school jumper.
- A pair of trainers (not plimsols)
- No jewellery of any kind should be worn on a PE day for safety reasons.
- A coat should be worn in cool and wet weather.
Autumn Term PE will consist of:
1. Fundamental skills and ball skills
2. Athletics and gymnastics
Spring Term PE will consist of:
1. Dance and Sending/receiving
2. Dance and Target games
Summer Term PE will consist of:
1. Gymnastics and Invasion games
2. Striking/fielding and Net/wall games
Go Noodle and BBC Supermovers are great resources to help children (and adults) stay fit and healthy at home.