Throughout the year we will be learning...
- Listening to you read and giving you books to read at home
- Doing lots of phonics to help you remember all of your letters and sounds
- Learning to read the year 1 and year 2 key words
- Asking lots of different questions about the books and texts you read to help improve your comprehension skills
- Doing lots of phonics to help you to segment words and spell them
- Practising how to form all of the lower case letters
- Practising to spell the year 1 and year 2 common exception words
- Writing texts about real and imagined things
- Writing different types of poetry
- Practising how to THINK and SAY each sentence properly before writing them
- Learning how to punctuate sentences by using: full stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists and apostrophes for contractions (can't, won't shouldn't, etc.) and possession (Tom's coat)
- Learning how to extend sentences by using different conjunctions, such as: and, but, so, because, when, or and if
- Learning about the following word classes: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
Autumn 1
This term we will be writing...
- Poems
- Narratives to retell stories
- Fact files
Our key texts will be, 'The Storm Whale' and 'Gorilla'.
We will be focusing on skills such as:
- Using capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for names
- Full stops to end sentences
- Using the conjunctions 'and' and 'but'
- Forming letters including capital letters and ensuring the size of letters is correct
- Spelling common tricky words
- Saying our sentences first before writing them so that they make better sense.