Hello All!
It's now our Spring Term even though it's Winter time! We will be learning all about the Winter weather, finding out about hot and cold places in the world and looking at similarities and differences with animals that live in the woods compared to those that live in the polar regions. We will also be learning about old and new objects/toys, which will be very exciting! In English there will be more writing of CVC words, new sounds in phonics and hopefully better control with our pencils when writing. In maths we are trying to use as many maths vocabulary words as possible to help our language skills. In maths we will be practising sequencing time, knowing about numbers from 5-10 in depth and how things change in weight and size - and how we measure this! Happy days!
Autumn 2!
Hello everyone. This half term we will be learning about lots of things dark and light. We will look at nocturnal animals, how our seasons change at this time of year, the Earth and space, important celebrations like Remembrance Day, Diwali and Bonfire Night. We will be enjoying more singing and dancing and music appreciation as well as lots of work on counting to 5.
Autumn 1 - The Woods
We will be learning about 'The Woods' this term and discovering which animals live in this habitat. We will learn the names of some common woodland animals such as squirrels, badgers and rabbits. We are also looking forward to our trip to an Arboretum to gain a woodland experience. Alongside this learning, we will focus on our special story 'We're going on a Bear Hunt.'
This term we will also focus on families and talking about the important people in our lives. We will look at baby photos of the children and talk about how they have changed since they were a baby and what they can do now.
Soon we will be looking for the signs of autumn and discussing leaves changing colour and falling from the trees!
Hello and a very warm welcome to everyone from Mrs Pos and the Sunshine Team.
Welcome to Foundation 2 or F2!
We will be settling in your child this term and getting them into class routines so they feel safe and know what is expected of them. We will help them to make new friends and have a happy time during dinner times.
We will be assessing your child at first and then will start teaching them daily phonics and maths. A reading book will be given to your child each week. Please watch the video clip below which gives you more information and explains how to record a reading session with your child at home.
Please check your child has a waterproof coat and a pair of wellies (both labelled with your child’s name).
Once PE starts children can come to school in their PE kit. Our PE day will be MONDAY.
Please remember the School follows a no-jewellery policy during PE sessions. Staff are not allowed to remove children’s jewellery so this needs to be removed before they come to school.
Thank you,
Mrs Pos
Reading with your child